3 Ways To Align Your Marketing With Eco-Conscious Consumers
Growing environmental concerns are driving eco-conscious consumers to make choices based on what is best for planet Earth. They’re not only seeking brands prioritizing eco-friendly business practices but also going out of their way to support these companies. Moreover, some consumers are willing to pay more to ensure that their dollars go to support greener practices.
The rise in eco-conscious consumers means companies must think twice about their current practices. Buyers are savvy, meaning they will see right through a company that falsely promises to do good for the environment. This deceitful practice is known as greenwashing.
In reality, delivering on your brand’s eco-friendly promises isn’t incredibly difficult. You can implement numerous green strategies without deviating too far from your current practices. Here are three ways to align your marketing efforts with eco-conscious consumers.
1. Incorporate Sustainability Into Your Core Values
What you stand for matters. It reflects your brand’s value proposition, mission, and vision. If you want to align with eco-conscious consumers, sustainability should be woven into your core values. This means assessing your company’s objectives and determining how to put a green spin on them without sacrificing product quality.
Patagonia is an example of a brand that lives and breathes sustainability. The clothing and outdoor gear company aligns its intentions with real actions. Starting in 2002, Patagonia pledged to give 1% of total sales to the preservation and restoration of the natural environment. In addition, the brand regularly updates consumers on their progress, educating them on how they’re making a difference. This level of commitment shows buyers that they are putting their money where their mouth is, so to speak.
Patagonia may be a leader in the sustainability space, but that doesn’t mean you can’t follow suit! Assess your current environmental and social impact, identifying areas for improvement and setting specific goals that are realistic and achievable. If you want to be plastic-free by 2030, address how to make this happen with smaller goals. Perhaps you need to find a new manufacturing company that is more eco-friendly or maybe consider changing your packaging. Top marketing agencies will assist in redefining your objective, ensuring you’ve covered your bases and aren’t making impractical, unattainable promises.
Once your goals are set, relay this information to your consumers. Communicate your new goals prominently on your website, perhaps on your “about us” page or using a dedicated “sustainability” page. You might also decide to work with a PR company to publish a press piece on your new eco-conscious goals. This can help create buzz about your brand and establish your company in the sustainability marketplace.
2. Collaborate With Other Sustainable Brands
No one brand will save planet Earth. By collaborating with other sustainability-minded companies, you can team up to strengthen your cause and commitment. Collaborations often increase brand awareness, widen audience pools, and improve brand reputation. An eco-friendly collaboration may do even more for planet Earth, accelerating change and making a lasting difference.
When looking for a potential collaborator, consider what you want to achieve from the partnership. If the goal is to make a product that’s never been made, join forces with another brand for additional resources. Be transparent about what you can bring to the table, whether that is your audience, product ideation, or brand readiness. Ensuring both companies are a good fit to partner up is essential. Both brands should respect one another for their uniqueness while coming together in a shared, mutual interest for sustainability.
Collaboration doesn’t necessarily mean partnering with a non-competitor. In 2022, Adidas and Allbirds banded together to create the lowest-carbon running shoe. The Adizero x Allbirds 2.94 kg CO2e shoe proved competitors can work together for the betterment of the environment.
3. Encourage Customer Participation
Environmental advocates are consumers, too, and they want to do their part in helping the planet. Empowering customers to lean in on a green-focused initiative keeps them engaged and invites them into your inner loyalty circle. One example might be to offer a discount to shoppers who bring their reusable bags to a store. Or, create a loyalty program based on green initiatives, such as forgoing a paper coffee cup for a reusable one.
Recycling or upcycling programs have also gained popularity in recent years. This circular business model reduces environmental and social impact while incentivizing shoppers to participate for a reward. Madewell, Girlfriend Collective, and Rothy’s accept unwanted clothes in exchange for a gift card or redemption value. Some brands even recycle these used products to make future products. Every year, Marine Layer takes T-shirts from their Respun program, making new clothing from the fabrics of these donated items.
Other ways to encourage participation include starting a competition and deeming points for the green actions a consumer makes. A leaderboard model may inspire individuals to continue accumulating points while boosting brand loyalty at the same time. Working with eco-friendly influencers can also spread the word about your recycling programs. This could lead to a wider audience reach and inspire positive change.
Tips and Takeaways
Today’s consumers are demanding that brands look into more sustainable practices. Green marketing initiatives will help businesses stand out from their competitors while contributing to a more environmentally responsible future.
Of course, like with any marketing tactic, it’s important to always keep your consumer first. Listen to what issues and matters are important to them and find ways to address them through your marketing strategies. Ask for direct feedback through surveys and social media polls to decipher what changes you can implement. Look for trends in what consumers are saying and address them appropriately. Closely monitor your competitors, assessing their strategies from a green living point-of-view, and considering the feasibility of a potential collaboration.
Sustainable marketing isn’t going anywhere. Small changes can make a big impact on the planet. Implementing green strategies will also help your brand attract and retain eco-conscious consumers. To meet their expectations, respond and act upon the environmental concerns that matter most to them.