Want To Align Your Marketing Team? Try A Workshop!
Let’s face it – at some point, every business can benefit from enrolling team members in a marketing workshop. Whether your content strategy could use a refresh or your marketing strategy needs an overhaul, structured advice from outside experts can turn your current marketing efforts into a money-making master plan.
Did you know that 90% of marketers say they have a strategy but only 45% have actually written it down? And those who documented their strategy are 5x more likely to report high marketing ROI.
That’s why a workshop can revamp your business’s marketing efforts in an almost magical way. Almost sounds too good to be true, right? At first, we thought so too – until we saw the magic happen ourselves.
If you’re still not convinced, we don’t blame you. That’s why we’re sharing how a marketing workshop can get your team on the same page and working towards the same goals.
Quick Takeaways
- A Marketing workshop can align your team around the right paths to higher ROI
- Achieving marketing workshop gets your team on the same page on which goals to measure
- Team alignment can help you solve your biggest marketing challenges
- Workshops allow your strategy to be implemented consistently throughout the full year
If your marketing department needs a little TLC, a marketing workshop can do the trick. By re-aligning your marketing efforts with your audience’s needs, you can generate quality leads and turn them into paying customers.
How A Marketing Workshop Can Make You More Money
We always start our workshops with a simple question: What is marketing?
Whether attendees are in B2B Marketing or B2C the answer is hardly ever the right one:
Marketing is a conversation between your company and potential customers
Thats why the main goal of a marketing workshop is to guide your business towards identifying and implementing marketing best practices.
That means setting aggressive goals. For example, we show how our average client sees a 7x ROI and 138% increase in measurable website visits.
Can you imagine seeing your content rank on Page 1 of SERPs? A marketing workshop can help you implement a content marketing strategy that turns that dream into a reality.
An effective marketing strategy:
- Reaches your audience using SEO keywords
- Engages your audience with content they want to see
- Converts engagement into sales
- Retains engagement and optimizes customer LTV, or lifetime value
If that’s not enough to convince you of the power a marketing workshop has to offer, below you can learn our step-by-step approach.
A Marketing Workshop That Generates Results
No time to enroll in a marketing workshop? No problem. Here’s how we’ve built our marketing workshop to help our clients achieve success.
Our Approach
A shocking 63% of marketing professionals say their biggest challenge is driving traffic and generating quality leads. By putting prospects at the center of your strategy, you can increase your marketing ROI and generate more quality leads with minimal effort.
But since 80% of new leads never translate into sales, you need to make sure your marketing strategy is optimized for conversion by following these 5 steps:
- Identify. By using topic modeling, identify a master list of keywords relevant to topics and objectives within your industry.
- Target. Identify the target mix of the best 50-100 keywords. Consider the best keywords based on rank, competitive gaps, purchase intent, etc.
- Plan. Next, develop up to 100 topics using keywords with the most potential. Ask for your team’s feedback and schedule topics into your content calendar. This will help you stay on track and ensure you’re posting high quality content consistently.
- Publish. Start cranking out your content! Use your content calendar to make sure you’re posting new content at least once a week.
- Optimize. Maybe the most important step to any marketing strategy, it’s time to measure your results. Analyze your monthly gains vs. the competition to learn how you can make improvements to further optimize for conversions.
We know this 5-step model works because we’ve seen it produce results over and over again – even for our own business. It works because when you consistently create valuable content for prospects, you can keep your audience engaged and take advantage of every opportunity for growth.
Marketing Workshop Objectives
Every great strategy works towards achieving a list of goals and objectives. At Marketing Insider Group, we know that an effective marketing workshop should:
- Apply content best practices to your business
- Inspire your team to create effective thought leadership themes
- Create and deliver content across the buyer journey
- Use an editorial approach to create effective content
- Maximize opportunities for content distribution
- Measure and track the ROI of your content efforts
- Define key priorities and actions to achieving success
When a business achieves these goals, they’re building credibility, generating quality leads, increasing ROI, and cultivating customer loyalty.
Achieving your business goals sounds great, right? But how long does it take to see results? You know as well as we do that the marketing industry is a fast-paced environment, and when it comes to generating revenue, there’s no time to waste.
That’s why we believe in quick results. Ideally, your general timeline of success should look like this:
Remember, learning how to make improvements is one of the most important parts of any content marketing strategy. By adjusting your strategy to what is and isn’t working, you can work your way up to publishing flawless content that increases engagement, conversions and ROI.
Our Content Framework
If you’ve been paying close attention, you probably noticed that we mentioned consistency a few times so far, but haven’t explained why it’s so important yet. By keeping your messaging consistent, you prove to your audience that you’re reliable, making them more likely to buy your products or services.
Not only does your marketing strategy need to demonstrate consistency in distribution, but also in its:
- Foundation
- Destination
- Team
- Editorial
- Customer Journey
- Measurement
By keeping each element of your strategy consistent with a well-oiled content framework, you communicate authenticity to your audiences. Customers are more likely to engage with authentic brands because they have a clear idea of what a brand is all about.
Our Success Stories
You already know that we’ve seen this approach work time and time again, but, as the old saying goes, the proof is in the pudding. Here’s two specific accounts where we’ve seen our approach do wonders for our clients’ ROI and lead generation.
5 Year Old B2B SaaS
Business Services Firm
The Benefits of Aligned Marketing
More leads and increased ROI aren’t the only benefits you’ll reap from an aligned marketing team and strategy. With consistent, high quality content, you can make a positive impact on more than just your sales.
An Audience That Sticks Around
Aligning your marketing strategy with the needs and interests of prospects sets the stage for an impressive experience. When you capture your audience’s attention over and over again, you’ll make a positive impact on prospects and keep them coming back for more.
Better Traction On Social Media
When your marketing strategy considers the importance of content, you’re more likely to gain attention on social media. Sharing impactful content makes it more likely to be shared, raising your chances of reaching new prospects on social channels.
Increase Conversions
Great content marketing gives your audience the chance to connect with your brand and the information they need to make an educated purchase decision. Not to mention, the CTAs you include in your blog posts also guide your reader towards becoming a paying customer.
More Visibility
When you realign your marketing strategy, you’ll learn that SEO plays a major role. The more often you post original content with value, the more impact it will have on your ability to rank on SERPs. Remember, posting high quality content consistently builds trust with both your audience and Google.
Established Thought Leadership
With a marketing strategy dedicated to delivering quality content regularly, you’ll start to establish your business as a credible source of new information. This positions you and your brand as a thought leader in your industry, leading to more credibility and better rankings.
Align Your Team Today With Our Marketing Workshop
There’s no doubt that the right marketing workshop will help enhance your team’s alignment, ultimately optimizing your ROI and increasing lead generation. We also know that redesigning your content marketing strategy can take a good bit of time and effort, both of which busy business leaders need to optimize.
At Marketing Insider Group, we have the tools and expertise to guide your marketing efforts towards success. Maximize your ROI and lead generation today by checking out our weekly blog content service, or schedule a free consultation now to learn more!