4 Interactive Video Marketing Examples That Mastered The Medium
You’ve heard it before. Visual content is powerful. Some would even say it is even the future of content marketing.
It was forecasted that by this year, 74% of all internet traffic would be video content. And by 2020, 75% of mobile data traffic is predicted to be video. With 60% of marketers and small business owners planning on boosting their video budget for 2017, we may just live up to these predictions.
With the prevalence of video on the internet, there’s another phenomena emerging – the sophistication of video. If you want people to watch your content, learn about your brand, and move down your sales funnel, your video content has to be good. Not just high-quality, but engaging.
Thus the birth of the interactive video marketing campaign.
What Interactive Video Marketing Can Do
With more and more videos to compete with, top marketers are looking at ways to get an edge with their video content. Interactive is a relatively new marketing technique that is able to capture viewers’ attention – and to keep it. It helps consumers feel more connected with their favorite brands, and more interested in the ones they are being introduced to.
From quizzes and contests to entertaining mini-games, interactive is an effective way to engage. Finish with a strong, interactive CTA, and you have an actionable, awareness magnifying tool working for your brand out on the digital world.
Interactive can even be a way to gain customer information, like in this interactive video by InContact. Viewers answer questions about themselves. This data is then used to create tailored follow-up sales communications, making lead conversion a much easier process than it would have been without.
Wait, it gets even better. Interactive video can even be used to find out how much a viewer knows while watching, and then tailor the rest of the content to their knowledge level. Personalized experience at its best. This is exactly what the Learning Care Group did for its videos that were used to educate its staff. The company used the videos to gain feedback about their employees. In the end, they were able to reduce their employee training hours by half.
Brilliant Interactive Video Marketing Examples
The great thing about interactive video is that it is limited only by your imagination. You can really do anything.
Here are five examples that will give you a taste of what interactive can do.
Earth 2045
This ingenious piece of video content, Earth 2045, was done by M&C Saatchi Stockholm, the marketers for SPP, a major Swedish pension management company. It won the Webby Award for Best Use of Video or Moving Image in 2016. The video is visually and emotionally inspiring, and thought-provoking.
The message – invest sustainably in order to help ensure that there will be a world to enjoy when you retire.
The method – an interactive slider. Viewers can swipe to the left or the right to compare the two alternative realities for the future. A spokesperson for M&C Saatchi explained the thought behind the sliders, “By controlling the content you are making small choice – and seeing immediate consequences.”
Give a Fuller Life
Mended Hearts, a nonprofit that offers support, education, and connects families with children who have congenital heart disease (CHD) with the resources they need, launched a heart-touching interactive animated video to encourage viewers to donate to Mended Little Hearts. The video does an excellent job of demonstrating that giving just a little bit more can make a huge difference in a child’s life, driving home the point that every donation matters.
The message – give a little bit and enrich a child’s life. Give a little bit more and make it even brighter.
The method – an adorable animated video featuring a little boy with CHD. The viewer can pledge from $1 to $10 by clicking a button on the side of the video. Each small incremental change, from $1 to $2, to $5, and then $10, creates a more colorful, caring, and vibrant world for the little boy.
Focus on the Con
Warner Bros. used this interactive video to engage millennials – their target audience – and to promote their 2015 box office release, Focus. Focus on the Con is a fun mini-game designed to entertain and to pique interest in the film. It’s an innovative way to help viewers who watch the film to better relate to the main character – a marketing technique that film companies could only have imagined years ago.
The message – stepping into the mind of a con artist is pretty interesting. So, a movie about a veteran con man, played by none other than Will Smith, will probably be a good flick to watch.
The method – an interactive game where viewers get to test their skills as a con artist in the video.
25,915 Days
This video is a prime example of the power of a really good interactive call to action. Done by Reebok, this one’s a motivational video, inspiring viewers to take advantage of every day of their lives by pushing themselves to their physical limits. It traces the life of a woman, starting from her running the Reebok Spartan Race in middle age, all the way back to her years as a runner on the high school cross country team, and then her first day as a newborn.
The message – you only have so much time on this earth, so take advantage of it, embrace it, and go after your fitness goals.
The method – an inspiring video that ends with a CTA button at the bottom of the video, leading viewers to Reebok’s website to ‘calculate your days,’ and hopefully stock up on some great Reebok gear.
There’s so much that can be done with interactive video from letting viewers create their own clickable storylines to interactives games and learning. Interactive media really takes marketing to a form of participatory experience, rather than a passive one, allowing consumers to become a part of the brands they love.
These interactive video masterpieces are just a scratch on the surface. As technology makes interactive easier to produce, we’re going to see a lot more in the next couple of years.
Image Credit pixabay