For your marketing messages to be successful, it’s essential that you tailor them to your different audiences and markets. “Generational” marketing is the term coined for segmenting and targeting your markets by age rather than other demographics such as gender, location, or
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There are many ingredients that go into a successful content marketing recipe. However, just as when you’re making a cake, you need to perfect the basics before worrying about fancy techniques. The key to creating great content is being a great writer. We’re not all blessed wi
A strong and consistent content creation workflow is essential to your content marketing success. Content creation should not only be the responsibility of the marketing department. For a well-rounded marketing strategy that brings maximum benefits both externally and internally, y
Your company culture forms the basis of everything you do. No matter how much time or how many resources you plow into marketing, if your audience and customers don’t align with your key values, your success will be limited. Company culture and brand are now merging and some exp
Brand advertising as we know it will completely disappear, according to Gabe Leydon, CEO of Machine Zone, one of the world’s largest gaming companies. And what's killing it? Marketers, agencies, and publishers who can't prove that their marketing investments work. CMOs alwa
While startups may have an easier time adopting Agile principles, large enterprises can’t afford to be discouraged by the difficulty of introducing new processes into their organization. In fact, enterprises have an urgent need to tackle their process problems or risk disruption
We’re big advocates of setting SMART marketing goals at the beginning of the year. If you happen to work with HubSpot, or a HubSpot agency, setting goals can be even more lucrative due to the platform’s extensive set of tools for setting and tracking Key Performance Indicators
Employee engagement is traditionally a concern of the HR department rather than the marketing department. Employees who are fully engaged at work deliver benefits, including improved productivity, higher retention, and increased employee loyalty. All these things are great for
Ask the decision makers of any enterprise-level business which department should have responsibility for content marketing strategy, and they’ll undoubtedly name the marketing department. It makes sense at first consideration. After all, it’s a marketing strategy and that is
Your content marketing strategy most likely focuses on your external audience – your customers or followers. This makes sense, after all these people are the ones who’ll spend their money and help your business generate income. However, there is another group of people who can